Multifunctional Sensor for Small/Micro Satellite
Intestazione di Esempio
need new low cost and weight sensor easy to integrate in a plug-in
approach and capable to improve platforms versatility while reducing
integration time and complexity.
is particularly true for the new generation of small and micro satellites
to be launched in constellation and formation. Controlling small
satellites cooperation and protecting the space assets from debris are
two important issues of current and future missions.The
cost reduction and safety of space missions is a key issue for further
expand European leadership in particular in the Earth Observation and
Communication sectors,The POLIFEMO (PanoramicMultifunctional
Sensor for Small/Micro Satellite) is a unique solution for an integrated sensor
capable to replace by one single unit the functions of Sun sensor, Earth
sensor and Star tracker and additionally providing
external situational awareness.
POLIFEMO is based on a innovative lens with a very wide angle (with a hyper-hemispheric
field of view) able to look at a field of view of 360° in azimuth (panoramic omnidirectional lens) and 270° in elevation (hyper-hemispheric capabilities). POLIFEMO, with
that extremely high field of view and unique imaging detection
capability, results in a small, low weight, low cost and reliable (no
moving part, potentially failure point) space sensor. It is unique in the
market of space sensors and suitable for many space and non space
missions (e.g., communication, weather, imaging, surveillance, deep space
but also UAV/HAP).
Progetti Speciali
Italiani srl , a SME active in developing microsatellite and space
applications, has set up, during the phase 1 project, a very experienced
team of engineering and commercial
specialists for carrying on the proposed project .