The University of Pisa is a renowned and ancient School, the origins of
which can be traced back to the early middle-ages.
The first
Aeronautical Engineering course was held in 1942 and some years later
the Institute of Aeronautics was founded From 1980, the Institute of
Aeronautics became the Department of Aerospace Engineering, currently
responsible for the Aeronautical and Aerospace activities of the
University Alta spa is a private company set up in 1999 as a spin-off of
Centrospazio, the space research laboratory of Consorzio Pisa Ricerche.
Alta is the only European company covering the full advanced spacecraft
propulsion spectrum with own technologies. Beside his specialization
and European leadership in Electric propulsion, the main adding value
delivered from ALTA to PSI is the unique test facility and relevant
space test experience.
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